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7 Day Ayahuasca Retreat In The Amazon with Cofan Taita Edilberto Criollo - FULL - Stay tuned for the next one!

Our 7 day ayahuasca retreat have been developed with both Amazonian Cofan Shaman Taita Edilberto Criollo and Shamanic Practitioner Brandy Nielson.

Taita Edilberto comes from families with traditions of shamanism, using centuries-old traditions and healing techniques.

The retreat is run in a traditional manner. From the way the plant medicine is prepared, to the icaros (shamanic chants) and the shamanic practices.

The traditional base of the retreat is tempered with modern integration to ensure our guests assimilate the experience in the best way possible.

This retreat includes three ayahuasca ceremonies, living in the jungle, along the Putumato River with the Cofan family, taking part in the their traditions and the opportunity to visit El Fin De Mundo and more…

Visit here for more details