All Creatures Big and Small


Energy flows through the body of an animal in good health much like an electric current. However, a number of factors can interfere with this flow. Among them are physical injuries, trauma, dietary changes, emotional problems, training issues or a combination of these problems.

Any blockage of energy can result in physical, psychological or behavioral problems.

Animal Reiki restores positive energy flow into the animal’s body, correcting imbalance.

Animal Reiki is the same as Human Reiki in that it works with the body's energy system. The treatment involves the placing on of hands in specific locations of the body but can also be done at a distance. Typically, the animal will approach and quickly become a willing participant. The treatment normally lasts for around 30 to 40 minutes but when working with animals a practitioner will always be guided by the animal and respect their boundaries.

Animals are much more in tune with their own energy than most humans are and so can tell the practitioner when they have received all they need for that session. 


Animal Reiki Benefits Include:

  • Emotional healing following trauma, abuse or neglect

  • Provide relief from fear, anxiety and trust issues

  • Help alleviate lethargy and depression

  • Provide pre and post-surgery support to accelerate recovery

  • Delay the onset and progression of certain diseases

  • Provide pain management and relief from the effects of arthritis, rheumatism and other debilitating conditions

  • Reduce the side effects of chemotherapy

  • Promote balance and harmony among all pets in a household

  • Help with transition such as moving house, introduction to, or loss of, another pet

  • Energize and revitalize senior pets

  • Provide peaceful, compassionate support to ease end of life transition


Equine Reiki Benefits Include all of the above as well as:

  • Improves flow in walk/trot/canter/gallop

  • Helps overcome anxiety and panic

  • Increases suppleness and flexibility

  • Helps to calm prior to unusual situations such as travel

  • Develops confidence

  • Settles new broodmares

  • Helps prior to, during and after the loss of a companion

  • Can help with sweet itch, tendon/ligament injuries

  • Laminitis

  • Colic

  • Loading problems

  • Spooking

  • Emotional issues

  • Appetite loss

  • Weaving/wind sucking

  • Competition street (for horse & rider)


Recommeded Frequency and Duration of Treatments:

Serious or Chronic conditions benefit from one or more treatments per week

Small problems benefit from once a week until problem resolves

Surgery: Once a day 3-5 days preceding surgery, and once a day for about a week afterwards

Dying animals benefit from one or more small treatments per day

Every Animal benefits from regular treatments (once a week or even every other week) for supporting energetic balance and health maintenance