You are in control of your own happiness.

First let me explain about emotions and how they fit on this things called the emotional scale…


The Abraham-Hicks Emotional Scale

The emotional scale is a list emotions ranging from joy, appreciation, freedom, love and empowerment (the highest) to fear, despair, desperation, grief, and powerlessness (the lowest).

Each emotion vibrates at its own frequency and so sits in its place in the scale. The highest frequency is at the top of the scale and the lowest frequency is at the bottom.

How to focus yourself to happy…

Your work is to focus your mind on thoughts that make you FEEL better so that you move up the scale. Eventually with enough focus and practice you will have thought yourself into a constant state of happiness (everything above “hopeful”.

You can identify where you are on the emotional scale right now and proactively reach for better-feeling thoughts that lead to better-feeling emotions. By doing this you are raising your own vibration and increasing your positive attraction.

The higher up on the scale the easier and faster your manifestations come.

When we are in a state of joy, appreciation and love we are allowing the universe to flow through us and this is where we are receiving ideas and opportunities and manifestations easily.

I am all about teaching people how to feel joy, appreciation and love so that they live happily ever after….there really is such a state of being as happy all the time - it will make sense once you experience it. For now I am going to focus on teaching you how to start moving up the emotional scale to feel better.

When you are vibrating in a low frequency, the high vibrations of joy and love are not reachable in that moment. If you try to be choose to feel happy when you are actually feeling something far from that, you will just be faking it and that not only doesn’t work, it can make you feel worse. So it really is about baby steps, we have to compassionately move ourselves back to joy by taking one small step at a time.

What you are feeling is what you are getting back too.

We really do get back what we put out. The world around is mirroring back to us exactly where we are and where we have been in general. Whatever experiences you are having is all around how you are BEING.

When we are feeling really good, everything seems to just work out. When we’re low on the emotional scale, we’re However we are feeling on the emotional scale, we are emitting positive or negative energy, which attracts people, situations and experiences that match that vibration.

Usually we are not consciously aware that we are doing it. It is not something we are taught as children, quite the opposite.

As we lift ourselves out of a low vibration and move up the emotional scale, our point of attraction shifts. When we move toward feeling better in any situation, we are changing what is happening around us! That is why we are powerful creators!

How to move up the emotional guidance scale

There are many ways to move toward a higher-vibrational emotion.

The next time you notice yourself at the bottom of the emotional scale, gently practice reaching for better-feeling thoughts and emotions. How you do this is by choosing a thought that feels a little better than how you are feeling at that moment and as you focus on better feeling thoughts, more thoughts come to join them and you will start to move up the emotional scale. You won’t be able to jump from anger to joy - you start by reaching for something that feels a little like relief from where you are and then keep going.

Ways to move up the scale…

  • Meditate. This is THE way to get yourself in a better feeling place. And don’t worry, you don’t need to spend hours and hours in some awkward position on the floor wondering how or what you are supposed to be doing.

  • Make a list of things to appreciate.

  • Find things that are fun to do.

  • Go into nature

  • Take a short nap

Sometimes you just can’t move up the scale because something is feeling just too big. If that is so the best thing you can do is take a nap. What happens when you take a nap is all of the emotional stress stops and so when you wake up, you can start again from an easier place of focusing your thoughts on things to appreciate.

Choosing to feel better doesn’t mean you are ignoring difficult emotions or checking out of tough situations. By moving up the emotional scale, you are coming in to alignment with your Higher Self where you will then have the clarity, support, solutions, creative ideas and realizations you need to solve problems and move through your feelings.