9 Spiritual Messages From Hummingbirds

When these little birds show up in your life, they symbolize the zest for enjoyment.

Hummingbirds eat the nectar of sweetness in life. They are powerful little spiritual messengers.

1. Be more flexible with all the changes in your life. Hummingbirds are erratic and they shift positions quickly. Are you desiring to make changes?

2. Add extra emotional “sweetness” to your life and play.

Hummingbird shows up to show you how to “suck” the joy in

all areas of your life.

3. Express the love you feel to those in your personal circle.

4. There is magic in the air brought to you through synchronicity.

Pay attention to repetitive signs.

5. Add flowers into your home. The sight and scent of flowers

elevates you to a higher frequency.

6. When a hummingbird appears near you they are reflecting

the positive side of life by showing you the joy in small things.

It’s important that you honor the small things in life and give

yourself permission to let go of any heavy burdens.

7. Be more present. Be in the moment. Take time for meditation

and contemplation outdoors. Give yourself the gift of


8. Your resilience will overcome any obstacles that you are

enduring at the moment.

9. Pay attention to your thoughts on abundance and scarcity.

Hummingbird is a reminder that any shift in your perception

creates abundance. You become what you believe.

She is tireless in its pursuit for finding sweetness. She appear in our lives to remind us of staying on track for what we want while enjoying the process. She travels over 2000 miles from Central America to North America every year just to reach her destination. She does what seems is impossible. She reminds us of pursuing your dreams and not allowing obstacles to stop you regardless of the distance. She reminds us of time and how we perceive it. They are magical in the way they use their wings.

She also teaches us to detect and use plants for medicinal purposes. We can heal from flowers and herbs. She teaches us to be independent in our abilities to trust intuition in a physical, emotional and spiritual level. She is persistent and courageous in the way she navigates through the seasons. She teaches us to stand up for what we believe. Her erratic patterns of flight look invisible as you cannot see her wings moving. She teaches us to believe in what we cannot see. She is fierce in protecting her territory, and this brings the awareness of how you protect your own surroundings, family, and home.