Becoming Who You Really Are
Did you know that you can be anything you want to be?
It's important to find your own identity and understand how you want to be. How do you represent yourself as the best version of yourself?
You may not already have a picture of yourself that you want to be. The images and role models of powerful people that you see may be those who have abused and misused their influence. If that is true, you probably have held back your power because of the images you hold of it are negative.
You're wise, and you know it - or you want to be. But how do you express your wisdom?
You who are kind and loving are full of light and have so much to offer to the world. When you pay attention to your doubts and fears that’s your inner critic telling you “You’re not good enough.” Just notice it, reassure it and move on.
Don’t let negative self talk have too much of your attention. Just as with children, when you focus on their positive behaviour they find more ways to seek attention in healthy positive ways and when you focus on their negative behaviour they will continue to act out. Your inner child needs reassurance too.
By choosing to think positive thoughts about yourself, the negative self talk will gradually fade away to nothing.
I remember the day I realized that I no longer had the negative chatter going on any longer….WOW what a realization that was! There was peace in my mind. Silence. There was no more mean girl judging me and ridiculing my every move. All of my focusing worked! The internal battle ceased and that was the end. She never returned. I loved her to death.
What qualities or traits would you like to have?
What character traits do you already have that you feel good about?
Whatever your answers may be you already have those qualities inside of you. You are just wanting to have a fuller expression of them in your life.
Pay attention to how you are feeling to know what thoughts you are thinking.
The more positively you are thinking the better you feel. Every time you have a negative image of yourself, you send out an image to the Universe, broadcast the quality and create that circumstance in your life. If you say positive things about yourself you will create that also.
What character traits or qualities do you have that you would like to express more of such as compassion, wisdom, peace or joy?
Try this:
On a piece of paper, write down as many traits as you can think of. Then turn it into a phrase to expand and create it into being. For example “My joy grows everyday”, “I am becoming more balanced all of the time.”
Throughout your week, focus on one area or one person in your life where you can practice those qualities. Become aware of who you are becoming. Send loving images about yourself out into the Universe and watch the people around you respond accordingly. And soon, perhaps even today, positive events start to unfold as you continue to think positively about yourself, others and the world.
You have the power to transform yourself into whoever you want to be. Imagine a version of yourself that would make you feel really proud and then become that.