Calling in the Elementals
This is a powerful technique I learned to use myself when I was feeling very sensitive to the energies around me. The subtle world affects us in many ways. Sometimes it can feel energizing and beautiful other times it can feel uncomfortable and chaotic. By learning this technique and practicing it every day and especially prior to going into places where there are large groups of people you will feel at ease, grounded, and aligned.
You will feel protected from physical and non-physical energies, so you will have increased energy, more positive experiences, and amazing connections. Your personal growth will speed up and you will feel stress dissipate around personal and spiritual interactions.
At first, this practice may take some time and soon you will only need a few seconds. Start using this technique twice a day and at any time where you feel a sense of discomfort or that you are starting to wobble energetically. If after doing this practice you will feel affected by what is going on around you then that is because that particular situation is important for you to address with some focused awareness.
Creating healthy boundaries is key to your personal growth.
When you ground yourself, clear your energy and set an intention you will alleviate emotional distress within you from the drama that is not yours. You will easily know what is yours and what is not.
Ground, Clear & Protect Technique
Step 1 - Ground
Start by asking Mother Earth to hold you while you imagine tree roots coming out of your feet moving through all the layers of the Earth’s crust and into the center of the Earth’s liquid light core. Know that you are deeply supported by the Earth and your roots deep into the core will bring you into alignment so that you have the ability to expand spiritually.
Step 2 - Call in the Elements
Using one of the elements, wind, water, fire, or another element that resonates with you using your imagination, visualize that element coming into your body and around you to release any energy that no longer serves you.
For example: Imagine water pouring through your crown chakra, flushing out any blockages or energy stored that is needing to be released.
Or, imagine the wind blowing in through your whole body pushing out anything that does not serve your well being or imagine fire to burn all of the negativity away and be a witness to these energies leaving your body.
You may see with your mind’s eye, sludge, black clouds, or notice some sensations in parts of your body as well as some emotions as the clearing happens.
Step 3 - Protection
To seal in all of what you have just created, you need to build an energetic shield.
Imagine a bubble surrounding your entire body in whichever way feels good to you. The walls of the bubble can be as thick or thin as you like and you can even imagine a mirror-like coating on the bubble so that all unwanted energies that are being directed your way will be sent back to their owner.
Step 4 - Intention
Your intention is a powerful part of this practice. One that I use is “ May all energies that do not serve my highest purpose be sent back to its original owner and to the matrix of the Universe with love and gratitude.”
I am so happy to be sharing the tools that I have found to be of benefit to my own personal journey. I know that you will especially enjoy this technique and I look forward to hearing what your experience has been.