Shamanic Healing Methods & Uses

Shamanic healing is a multi-faceted and flexible modality in all cultures because it begins and ends with the shaman consulting with God and the Spirits. The shaman strives to be a clear vessel for God, the Mother, Father and Creator’s love and power to manifest to the client, helping them return to harmony with the Sacred.

While shamanic healing can have physical effects, these can’t be guaranteed. The primary goal is to restore the client to union with the Sacred and harmony with creation. The underlying philosophy behind this goal is that as Irish theologian Eriugena said, “The only source of suffering is separation from the Sacred.”

Even experiences of pain or illness can be borne without suffering if held in awareness of Spirit. Then, what happens in the world can hurt but never harm us. We can more readily transcend even the transitory experience of pain when we hold it in spiritual awareness.

The Shaman

The shaman doesn't see the soul as a solid chunk of stuff, but as a malleable energetic entity. The soul is an individuated divine essence that is also always in flowing motion with everything else, in the same way that light is both a particle and a wave. Our health, in shamanic terms, is the result of our empowerment, or lack of it. It is the result of our ability or inability to tap into the flowing light of creation. We can take on more power, becoming more than we were. We may do this through establishing a connection with a totem animal, a spirit that acts as a kind of "step down transformer" for the Creator's power, making it into something accessible to us. We may also grow spiritually through pilgrimage, through connections to a holy place or through union with another spiritual or physical being. Conversely, we may develop power problems. Shamanism sees illness not primarily as a set of psychological or physical problems, but rather, as one or more energetic problems. Because the soul is malleable, a person may lose power as well as gain it. For example, part of a person's soul may "splinter off" in a moment of trauma or they may have spiritual intrusions, draining them of power.

Shamanic Healing Methods

Shamanic don’t see the soul as a solid chunk of stuff, but as a malleable energetic entity, The soul is an individuated divine essence that is also always in flowing motion with everything else, in the same way that light is both a particle and a wave. Our health, in shamanic terms, is the result of our empowerment or lack of it. It is the result of our ability or inability to tap into flowing light of creation.

We can take on more power, becoming more than we were. We may do this through establishing a connection with a totem animal, a spirit that acts as a kind of “step down transformer” for the Creator’s power, making it into something accessible to us. We may also grow spiritually through pilgrimage, through connection to a holy place or through union with another spiritual or physical being.


Conversely, we may develop power problems. Shamanism sees illness not primarily as a set of psychological or physical problems, but rather as one or more energetic problems. Because the soul is malleable, a person may lose power as well as gain it. For example, part of a person’s soul may splinter off in a moment of trauma as I’ll describe further below, or they may have spiritual intrusions, draining them of power.

The Three Processes of Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing can be broken down into three essential processes:

Sister Jaguar

First, bringing in power that should be there but isn’t; for example ,when the shaman restores a soul-part lost in trauma.

Second, removing power that is there and shouldn’t be; for example, when the shaman extracts a spiritual parasite or severs a draining energetic tie with an abusive ex-lover.

Finally, the shaman may work to harmonize the power of the client with the power of the Spirits, healing then to align their bod, mid and spirit with the Sacred.

Some uses for Shamanic Journeying:

Issues of trauma

  • PTSD

  • spiritual disconnection

  • soul loss, Spirit attachments

  • depression, anxiety, fear, and physical pain

  • Helping a person with a deep suffering to choose either to live any longer or not, the option being seen from a spiritual perspective – accepting that any end is a new beginning after all.

  • Offering support for the souls of the deceased to return into light

  • Helping unborn children to come by offering a better anchoring in the physical bodies

  • Treating illness of unknown causes

  • Healer purification

  • Physical and emotional healing of heart

If you feel called to your own healing or are wanting to know how to learn basic shamanic practices please send me a message HERE.

Brandy Nielson